
Construction Supervision (Highways, Bridges, Buildings, Storm water & Drainage, and all Engineering infrastructure development projects)
Transport Planning & Traffic Management
Feasibility Studies and Infrastructure Planning
Urban Land Use Planning and Designs
Detail Design of Infrastructures (Highways, Structures, LRT, BRT, Railways, etc)
Environment Impact Assessment (EA, IEE, EIA, etc.)
Socioeconomic Impact Assessment (SIA, SA etc.)
Hydrology Studies, Hydrology Modeling
Flood Mitigation Projects
Road Network & Layout Designs for Community Development Schemes
Traffic Signal Design
Data Collection Surveys (Traffic, Engineering, Social, Environment, Marketing Surveys etc.)
Accident surveys and Analysis
Traffic Impact Assessments (TIA)
Road Signs and Safety Design
Multi-Story Parking Design
Economic appraisal and financial assessments for infrastructure projects
Storm water Drainage and Sewerage Design
Geotechnical studies including geotechnical investigations
Structural Analysis and Modelling (Interchanges, Overpasses, Underpasses, Bridges etc.) with latest analytical software (MIDA, SAP, etc.)
Preparation of Technical Proposal for Infrastructure Development (Highways, expressways, bridges)
Coastal Engineering, Ports and Harbors
Material Technology
Information and Communication Technology
Fisheries and Aquaculture
Water Supply and drainage
Irrigation Engineering
Construction management
Project Management
Design and built construction
Architectural Designs
Any kind of consultancy services